Sabtu, 26 Juli 2014

Watermelon Juice for Babies / Watermelon for Babies / Juices for Babies

Its been a while since i posted any baby food recipes. I have been busy in posting normal food recipes and totally forgot about this series, untill one of my viewer reminded me about this. Now i found a bit of time, so decided to post all the five recipes in one go, because these are foods which i should have posted long before..

I feed a lot of fruit juice and veg juice for maha, but i haven't shared it here. The one juice which i shared is pomegranate juice. So i thought of sharing the healthy watermelon juice too. Watermelons are a healthy fruit to feed your baby during summer times because this fruit is packed with a ton of water content. You can read about their health properties here.

Check out other baby food recipes and juice recipes..

Things to remember before feeding baby:

1) No seeds of this should be given for babies. Only juice must be fed.

2)If your juice is not that sweet, you can add some sweetner to it.

3)Dont feed this at night, morning and afternoon is the good time to feed juice for baby.

4)This wont cause gas problems or constipation in babies.

How to introduce solid food to your baby: 
Read this 
How to sterilize baby feeding bowls: 
Start by sterilizing the bowls and spoons which you are going to feed your baby. Take the bowl and spoon in a large saucepan, cover it with water and bring them to a boil. Boil it rapidly for 5 mins. Now you can turn the heat off and leave them stay in the hot water till use. 
How to make Pomegranate Juice:

Take a firm sweet watermelon. Make sure the watermelon is sweet.

Cut them open. Now take the flesh alone in a blender and puree them.

Place a strainer over a bowl. Pour the puree over it and press with a spoon to get as much juice as possible.

Now pour the juice in a sipper or feeding bottle and feed your baby. 

Choose a sweet watermelon

cube the flesh and separate the seeds

take them in a blender

puree them

strain them

squeeze to get as much flesh you can

juice done

feed your baby..

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